This function will return the complete CS Go Statistics for all public friends of the user_id (input).

get_stats_friends(api_key, user_id, n_return = "all")



string with the key provided by the steam API.

PS: If you don`t have a API key yet run vignette("auth", package = "CSGo") and follow the presented steps.


string with the steam user ID.

Steam ID is the NUMBER OR NAME at the end of your steam profile URL. ex: '76561198263364899'.

PS: The user should have a public status.


numeric indicating the number of friends to return, to return all use n_return = "all" (the default is "all").


a list of two data frames

friends_stats: data frame with all the CS Go statistics of all public friends of the user ID.

friends: data frame with all the CS Go friends of the user ID (public and non public).


if (FALSE) { ## It is necessary to fill the "api_key" parameter to run the example # set the "plan" to collect the data in parallel!!!! future::plan(future::multisession, workers = parallel::detectCores()) fr_list <- get_stats_friends(api_key = 'XXX', user_id = '76561198263364899') fr_list$friends_stats fr_list$friends }